Sunday, April 25, 2010

April crazyness

I don't even know where to begin so I guess I'll start with Do (sorry music joke).
April has been a little bit of a crazy month. April started with the high school principal leaving. We then had testing. I had my performance review with Anchorage. I passed that. The next step from there was to have an HR screening interview. Meanwhile, I had an interview with Copper River School District. I also received an email from the Northwest Arctic Borough School District about a job in Kotzebue.
I went up and saw a foot doctor and went to the job fair. I had 4 interviews that day. To not drag all the details out. I passed my HR screening interview. I got offered the job in Kotzebue, which I declined. I had an interview with Copper River School District while at the job fair. Later I had a final interview with Copper River School District. I got offered that job, which I also declined. I also interviewed for a job in Tok. The job fair was an intense experience.
Tuesday we left for Music Fest. This year it's in Juneau. We took the ferry for 36 hours from Ketchikan. My students did well and I'm proud of them. My choir of 6 sang on the big stage Friday evening. Earlier in the day I had one student do a solo on the clarinet and my twins did a duet. I wore a bright orange shirt and styled my hair in a faux hawk. It was awesome.
After that I flirted a little with Tyree (the orchestra director at Thunder Mountain). I flirted with him quite a bit on Saturday too. It was so fun. It is great talking with him, and as a bonus he's cute and gives good hugs.
In about 10 hours I get on a ferry for 36 hours. It's going to be another long ride. I'll survive. At least I have had a great time. Everyone said bye to me and I told them all to keep in touch. The directors here are a great group. I got a lot of hugs. If I get a job outside of Southeast Alaska, I'm going to really miss them. Tyree and I talked for awhile after the meeting, that was fun.
We'll see what life has in store for me next. :)

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